The procedure of papers acceptance in Research and Scientific Electronic Journal of Omsk SAU is as follows:

  1. Authors submitting their papers to be published in the journal are to provide a review written by either a Candidate or a Doctor of Sciences in corresponding subject area. Authors should e-mail their papers and review scans to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  2. The papers submitted less than 3 weeks before the date of publication of the current issue may be included into the next issue only.
  3. All the submitted papers are examined with the use of Antiplagiat System to prove there is no plagiarism in them ( A paper is reviewed by the Editorial Board only if it includes less than 40 per cent of borrowed information and data. Otherwise the paper is rejected.
  4. If the paper successfully passes anti-plagiarism examination it will be peer reviewed by one of the members of the Editorial Board who specializes in the subject matter of the paper. The peer review process is bilateral anonymous or "double blind" and in most cases it takes 2 weeks.
  5. If the review is positive the paper is accepted for publication. If the paper is rejected the author(s) may revise it in accordance with the reviewer's comments and resubmit the paper.